

The company has undertaken several International consultancies in the past.

Serendib Horticulture was awarded a consultancy to establish a commercial tissue culture laboratory by the Ministry of Agriculture, Qatar in 2008 – 2011. Subsequently, A consultancy was awarded by an American company in Rwanda to develop a commercial tissue culture laboratory in 2013-2015.

The company staff also worked in Iran to help convert a tissue culture laboratory to a commercial lab in 2018.

At present Serendib Horticulture is working on two management consultancies in Rwanda and Qatar where the company personnel will train the staff, develop protocols and help in marketing the produce to uplift the agriculture sectors in Rwanda and Qatar.


Consultancy project in Rwanda, 2013 – 2015

Consultancy project in Iran, 2018



Serendib Horticulture got into an agreement with GIFT Rwanda Ltd to uplift the agriculture sector in Rwanda. The company has been taken as consultants to set up a plant tissue culture lab for fruit production and a separate project on the production of vegetable seedlings through state of the art technology.

Serendib will mobilize the company expertise as well as outsourcing expertise from Sri Lanka.