
Best company in agriculture, livestock and quarry sectors

National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka 2004/2005

Best company in small industry sector

National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka 2004/2005

Services (Research & Development) – Gold Award

National Agribusiness Council Awards 2011/2012

Agriculture Value Added – Bronze Award

National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka 2011 2011/2012

Producer (Cut Flowers/Foliage) – Silver Award

National Agribusiness Council Awards 2012/2013

Agriculture Value Added – Silver Award

National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka 2012/2013

Export of Businesses and Professional Services – Merit Award

National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka 2012/2013

Best company in global Research

National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka 2004/2005

Best company in horticulture

National Agribusiness Council Awards 2005/2006

Export of Businesses and Professional Services – Bronze Award

National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka 2011/2012

Entrepreneur of the year – Silver Award

Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka 2006/2007

Producer (Cut Flowers/Foliage) – Bronze Award

National Agribusiness Council Awards 2011/2012

Services (Research & Development) – Silver Award

National Agribusiness Council Awards 2012/2013


Over the years the company has collaborated with many Local universities in R &D projects and training students in different aspects in Horticulture. The company has an open policy in collaborative work with research and training institutes to share the knowledge and experience for the betterment of the Horticulture industry in Sri Lanka.

Our Team

The company’s achievements have been due to the dedication of the staff who has worked as a team to bring the company to level of high international standards.